We demand:

  • Pedestrians must be given priority over other modes of transport, in particular private cars

After decades of car-oriented transportation planning and policy, there is a backlog demand for pedestrian-friendly measures

  • The speed of motorized traffic in urban areas must be drastically reduced by means of legal and physical measures.

Seven out of ten pedestrian victims of fatal collisions with motor vehicles could still be alive today if the motor vehicle speed had been reduced by 15 km/h. For improved road safety – not just for pedestrians – the speed limit in urban areas should not exceed 30 km/h.

  • The network of pedestrian facilities in urban areas must be developed to allow pedestri-ans to reach their full transportational and social potential.

Traffic lanes and parking spaces are usually overdimensioned. In many cases there are more traffic lanes than needed to accomodate current motor traffic volumes. This is a waste of space.

  • Paved pedestrian facilities must be exclusively dedicated for the use by pedestrians. No other mode of transport should be allowed there.

Legal and illegal parking, and the associated vehicular movements, must be banned from pedestrian facilities, and compliance must be aggressively enforced by means of frequent in-spection and drastic fines. The traffic sign indicating “parking on sidewalk” must be abol-ished.

  • Cyclists must be banned from pedestrian facilities.

Cycling facilities must be part of the road surface, not of pedestrian facilities. This is not only required to reduce the risk to pedestrians, but also to reduce conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists..

  • Support for intermodal transport by walking + cycling + bus + rail.

A substantial part of current motor vehicle traffic – particularly in urban areas – can be trans-ferred to walking, cycling, or public transport.

  • Road furnishings, such as traffic signs intended for motor vehicle traffic, must be re-moved from pedestrian facilities.

Parking meters, traffic lights, signposts, etc. should be placed in the space dedicated to the type of traffic participants for which they are intended.

  • Pedestrian facilities should not be used as dumping ground for waste or snow re-moval.
  • Urban pedestrian facilities must be interconnected to form complete networks.

Currently, an adequate transport network only exists for motor vehicle traffic. The network of pedestrian facilities to be developed must be designed to meet the needs of pedestrians and meet the highest safety standards.

  • Sufficient facilities for pedestrians to cross roads must be provided in residential and commercial areas.

Pedestrian traffic patterns should not be channeled into a small number of road crossings. This only concentrates accidents without preventing them. Fences, walls, and other obstructive measures must be removed. Bridges and subways for pedestrians cannot provide solutions to this problem. But safe crossing can be achieved nearly anywhere with a reduction of the maxi-mum speed to 30 km/h.

  • Designated pedestrian crossings must be accompanied by physical measures.

Safety zones before and after pedestrians crossings must be kept free from parked cars. To improve the sight lines for pedestrians, pedestrian facilities should project approximately 75 cm (30 in.) into the outside traffic lane.

  • Traffic light signals must accommodate the needs of pedestrians.

Currently, traffic lights only serve to accellerate motor vehicle traffic.

  • Designated pedestrian crossings must become safer.

The design of designated pedestrian crossings should signal the need for attention by motor-ists and force them to reduce their speed.

  • Public transport must be extended in urban and rural areas.

Public transport must become more attractive in order for motor vehicle traffic to be reduced, while simultaneously increasing the demand for public transport.

  • For the creation of equal conditions for all, walking distances to car parking facilities should be at least as long as to the nearest public transport stop.

Conditions for „car-free“ living must be improved in every area of society.

Fußgängerschutzverein FUSS e.V. is based on the initiative and the activities of its members. As a pressure group, it gives advice and provides solutions for the improvement of conditions for pedestrians. However, the situation for pedestrians can only be improved if as many people as possible become active.



Fachverband Fußverkehr Deutschland
Exerzierstr. 20, 13357 Berlin
Tel. 030-492 74 73
Fax 030 - 492 79 72
eMail: info@fuss - ev.de

FUSS e.V. is the national member for Germany of the
IFP International Federation of Pedestrians
FIP Fédération Internationale des Piétons
Internationale Förderation der Fußgängerverbände
S. Olof Gunnarsson, Präsident
Secretary of IFP: Christian M. Thomas
Klosbachstraße 48, CH - 8032 Zürich
Tel. 0041 / 43 488 40 - 34, Fax - 39
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FUSS e.V. is a founding member of the
FEPA Federation of European Pedestrians Associations
Acting Secretary: Trence Bendixson,
39 Elm Park Gardens, London SW10 9QF, United Kingdom
Tel. 44(0) 20 7352 38 85, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

FUSS e.V. is also a founding member of the
Fussverkehr Schweiz www.fussverkehr.ch + www.walk-space.at Der Österreichische Verein für FußgängerInnen + FUSS e.V. Fachverband Fußverkehr Deutschland
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